RVMW Commemorative Bricks Program
Pave the way to Honor the Memory
Preserve the memory of your support of the Racine Veterans Memorial Walk with a Commemorative Brick for Family, Veterans, Military Organizations or your Company. Bricks will be placed around the perimeter of the Memorials.

RVMW Standard Honor Bricks

There are a variety of different Commemorative Brick sizes for you to choose from. All copy will be etched in black and permanently encased into the bricks. 12×12 bricks can carry Service logos.
RVWM 24×24 Commemorative Veteran, Military Organizations & Corporate Logo Bricks

Veterans, Military and Corporate logo 24×24 Bricks designs are laid out as shown to the left.
You are allowed 6 lines of copy at 42 characters maximum per line. Veterans & Military logos must be chosen from the designs provided for all services as shown.
Complete the fill-in contact information blanks below, select your logo design and enter your copy for the brick in each of the six lines available. Each line has limit of 42 characters. You need not use all lines or all characters.
Price: $2500